Pricing for Visits
Visits are priced at £8 per student, with staff meeting ratios free of charge. A pre-visit is strongly advised, which is free of charge. There is a minimum charge of £170 is payable for smaller groups.
A £50 deposit will be invoiced to schools at the time of booking, and your booking will be confirmed once the deposit has been received.
Visits are available throughout the school year. The timings for the visits are normally 10am – 2pm to give schools time to get to and from the farm. These timings can be flexible, so please ask if you would prefer alternative timings. We will break for a short lunch to ensure that we get as much into the day as we can. All visitors will need to bring a packed lunch. We will, of course, have tea & coffee for teachers. We know how much teachers need a brew!
If you are ready to go ahead with your booking, please read the Pre-visit Requirements Page and then head over to our Booking Form.